Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Day- 4/29/14
Current Mood- Hmm
Description- It's one week until I get novi back. But wherever Roscoe is, it might be one day more. -_- HECK! I can't wait any longer. I'm dying!

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Day- 4/27/14
Current Mood- UGH!!
Description- I'm banned from meez. :( My throat is gone but my nose is still running running running.  Okay, so on meez I gave a girl my password. She said she was gonna buy me VIP and meez cash. I was in shops on another meez tab, when I pressed home and I got logged out. So my password didn't work. So i sent myself a forgot password email. Sure enough it got my new password. I got into my account and quickly changed my password. So that's why I am banned. I am banned for it says: Giving out own password. And she didn't buy nothing.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Day- 4/26/14
Current Mood- hurt
Description- Mom looses her JOB in the next week!! I can't believe it!!! I have to start riding the bus again!  :( The bus sucks. But on the other side, my throat hurts...less...My friend is buying me meez cash or mc's. in a few days.

Friday, April 25, 2014


Day- 4/25/14
Current Mood- ACK!!
Description- My throat has gotten worse since yesterday. Really worse. But Mom made me come to school. She said, "You can't miss another day." I was like NO! I needed to stay home today not yesterday. :( My day apparently will be focused on trying not to die while breathing. Or not hurt my throat while breathing. :(

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Day- 4/24/14
Current Mood- sad and hurt
Descrption- I stayed home today. There was a field trip today, that I needed to miss because of my throat. I am heart broken and i was actually crying when Mom left. :( :( :( my throat really hurts!! :( :( :( :( It's like a lump in my throat but of pain.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Day- 4/20/14
Current Mood- Happy Easter!
Description- Happy Easter from Austin, Texas in the USA! I LOVE the saying: cry me a river, cry me a lake, but I'm happy for heaven's sake! For Easter, all I'm gonna do is play meez. So bye!

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Day- 4/19/14
Current Mood- Happy
Description- Mom decided to end my meez ban early and I'm really happy. Cry me a river, cry me a lake, But I'm happy for heaven's sake! :D

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Day- 4/17/14
Current Mood- FINE
Description- Not much going on. I dressed my meez avatar up as an angel. I look TOTALLY cute! MEOW! AKA zit-tacular!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Day- 4/16/14
Current Mood- AUGH!! EEEKK!!! And Happy
Description- HELPP!! MY ZIT IS LEAKING!! How am I gonna become the most popular girl in school if I have a leaking liquid ZIT?! BTW I totally lucked out yesterday! I found a credit card in walmart (returned to a worker), found Tula Toned, found one of those Paper Mate pens that everyone has, found a pencil and found a really cool watch! I stayed home sick today. My Mom didn't feel good. Sometimes there is a key: say I don't feel good on a day she doesn't feel well...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Day- 4/15/14
Current Mood- HAHAHA
Description- I just made my friend think that my older sister, Kayla is on my meez account. Just Like last time, when I pretended like I had a younger sister name Cupcake, was on my account. The problem is these sisters are "fake" or not real. HEE HEE...I wonder when I'm gonna tell her. I might give her a heart attack. Or make her really mad. :(!!

Monday, April 14, 2014


Day- 4/14/14
Current Mood- HAPPY

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Day- 4/13/14
Current Mood- Relaxed
Description- Kinda in the mood to look forward to what's coming UP. Not exactly looking on what's going on NOW. I'm getting meez dollars as soon as I get my account back. And soon in the next few months, we are moving so, I MIGHT BE GETTING MY VERY OWN CAT!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Day- 4/12/14
Current Mood- Ehh Happy
Description- I GOT NEW NOVI STARS YESTERDAY!! Mom said she giving me them for my b-day..but my relatives give me about 20 dollars a person, so I need not to worry for Meowlody and Purrsephone. I want Tula Toned, too. She's one of my Faves. I have: Alie Lectric, Una Verse, Mae Tallick, Ari Roma, Mallie Tasker, and Sila Clops.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Day- 4/11/14
Current Mood- EEEEKKK!!!
Description- MY BOYFRIEND PROPOSED TO ME FOR WHEN WE ARE OLDER!!!!!! LAST NIGHT!! EEEK!!! Should I tell Mom? Not yet. She'll lecture me about age. BUT I WAS LIKE, "HECK YEA!!!" Today is also Enviro-Fair. The best fest ever aside from Fall and Fun Fest.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Day- 4/10/14
Current Mood- HAPPY
Description- I have 527 coinz out of the 2,900 coinz I NEED. I just added a new thing to my list: claws for 1,400...so now I need 4,300 coinz..:/ WHEN? BTW I get my VIP tomorrow. That girl better give me real money or else I'm reporting her meez.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Day- 4/9/14
Current Mood- AUGH
Description- Help......I want to earn coinz on meez but it keeps saying: an error occurred. UGH. What I want is doll lips which are 400, small cupid wings which are 2000 and a tiara which is 500....HELP....:( :( :( I"M DYING.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Day- 7/8/14
Current Mood- UGH HELP
Descrition- My mom banned me again from meez. (Long long story.) So now I have two more weeks and no VIP after a month. I can't let her know about the 90 dollars. I know how to get around the ban. She takes me in the morning to school when computer lab is open. I just play it there. For two weeks, I'll be earning coinz and having fun. Yesterday, I was having heartburn and I am starting to think that it's going to my head. All I can think about is my game. :( Ban, end soon.

Monday, April 7, 2014


Day- 4/7/14
Current Mood- glum like outside
Description- Well, it's raining outside. Really hard. At one point, the sky went black and in where the sun sets, came this orange light. It's was beautiful and creepy. My meez VIP ended today. I kinda am glad. I mean once you get VIP, you'll do anything to keep it. I kinda wanted to get out of all the random shocking. Someone is giving me 90 dollars for meez, though. I get it on Friday. I all of a sunndenly want a bunch of Monster High dolls and I'm going crazy for them. :/ How annoying.