Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Day- 3/5/14
Current Mood- sorry (very very very sorry)
Description- Yesterday, I was playing meez and my profile says I can make someone pretty or glitch them. Well, there were these two sisters. I actually can't believe that they were dumb enough to fall for it. Well, one of them was. The only problem is: it only has one animation. So if use it and the VIP runs out, there's only one animation. The older sister said she'd give me a hundred dollars for the account. I mean, is a dumb account worth that much? A hundred dollars? But if she wants it...she might have to pay up 2 hundred for me to give it to her while it still has the VIP. Or just a hundred and fifty. I was about to pm her when Mom said we HAD to go. I like the account, it got some fun clothes. I have no idea what got into me. My friend forgives me, but I have to check when the VIP ends so I get my money and I'll give the account back. If i don't get my money, she might get her account back when the VIP runs out, or just never get it back. Still, I feel bad.

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